About Me

I am a technology lover, I like programming, I especially like the area of web development and I am also interested in the development of mobile devices.

I graduated from the Universidad Politécnica del Centro as a software engineer, where I was able to learn all the successive stages of software development, I experimented with several programming languages such as java, delphi and ruby, the one that most caught my attention was ruby, for its simplicity, I was also able to learn in depth the maintenance part of a software, which is basically to improve and correct everything necessary to obtain a quality product.


Software engineering

2017 Sep - 2020 Dec
Universidad Politecnica del Centro

Software development and maintenance


Software Developer

2018 Nov - 2018 Dec
Red de Innovacion y Emprendiemiento de Tabasco, Tabasco, Mexico

Development of interface and login functionality with the Ruby on Rails framework for RIE Tabasco’s project.

Training Developer

2019 Nov - 2019 Dec
Kondosoft, Tabasco, Mexico

Training program for developers, focused on learning the basic tools and skills of a programmer.

Web Developer

2020 Sep - 2020 Dec
SEDENER, Tabasco, Mexico

Development of an informative web application based on staged development, which obtains information from a content manager which is located within the same project

Web Developer

2021 May - 2021 Sep
Brightcoders Academy, Mexico

Training program for ruby on rails development, consisting of two projects developed from scratch, using postgres as main database and heroku as service platform.

Technical Skills






Tailwind Css


